
Showing posts from February, 2010


No, the number above more than signifies how old I am.  It signifies a period of "rebirth" for me.  You see, the number 40 is very significant in the Bible.  It connotes purification, a time of preparation, a period of completion. Jesus went to the desert for 40 days before He embarked on His mission.  A woman goes through 40 weeks of gestation and gives birth to new life.  The Israelites wandered in the dessert for 40 years before they reached the promised land. So you see what the number 40 means to me?  Some say life begins at 40, and I think I believe them.  Because from February to November of this year, I will be going through a 40-week exercise that I believe will change the course of my life forever.  I started last February 10.  The exercise will commence on November 10, my birth date.  I am excited about God's revelations.  I have asked my friends to pray for me and with me as I go through this "gestation period". I just pray that God will sustai

Random Thoughts #1

I just finished reading Passion & Purity by Elisabeth Elliot. And that book discusses so much about waiting, not in vain but actively! And I really admire the honesty of Jim Elliot about he felt about "Bett" as he fondly called her. And instead of giving in to his raging hormones, he threw his energy to doing what God wants him to do at that time. And when His perfect time came, he "demonstrated" his love for Bett by declaring his love finally and asking her to marry him. In this day & age when people opt to go "instant" than to wait on the Lord, Elizabeth & Jim Elliot's love story, which they placed under the lordship of Jesus, should be every single person's standard.