
Showing posts from July, 2009

I Took the "What Temperament Am I?" Quiz And This Is What I Got

Your Result: Choleric (Fire) You enjoy socializing with friends and are very creative.  You are often the leader or organizer of events, parties or meetings between friends. Your energy can fire-up events and people but you can also burn-up those around you with your intensity.

Paradigm Shift

I've been reading my past blogs, and I noticed that they haven't been very happy blogs. Well, at least some of them aren't. And so I began to examine myself. Have I really been that cranky these past few months?


I am not myself today.  Understandably, as I just came from a bout with the flu.  Add to that the incessant pouring of Isang 's rain.  Or maybe the rains were just the last straw.  I don't know.  I have been feeling kinda queasy lately.  Sometimes I wonder if it was from the non-stop Gilmore Girls marathons.  That show brings out the... hmmm, what does it bring out, anyway?