…He makes sure He opens a floodgate and pours out every possible blessing you could hold in your outstretched arms.

Why do I say this?  Because in a matter of days, God has again managed to shower me with gifts—so much that I need a battalion of angels to help me carry them home!

Last Thursday, April 29th, at around mid-morning, a Tito whom I had sent my portfolio to, called me and asked me to work for him part time in his printing press.  I… was… dumbfounded.  I didn’t think he’d be interested in my services anymore.  But he is, and although it’ll be only on a weekend basis, I am literally jumping up and down in excitement!  At last, I’ll be back in the publishing industry!

 In the evening of the same day, the women who served during the last HOLD Icon were treated to a special appreciation dinner at the CFC Center.  And as everyone was having a blast, a sister came up to me and asked, “Did you read my text yet?”  When I said, “Not yet,” she showed me what she had sent me on her cell.  And what I read tickled me pink.  I don’t think I could divulge the information here, but from what she proposed me to do, it was a privilege to be able to be part of a team that I never thought I would be qualified to be in.  No, it isn’t a secret society.  But from the enormity of the “mission”, it will definitely alter my life in a very big way.

Yesterday, April 30th, my boss had to call off work because of power failure in the village where our office was located in.  For me, that was answered prayer.  Why?  Because I had been trying to squeeze in time for me to move in the Mission House, but I just couldn’t… until yesterday.  So last night was my first night in the Mission House.  Nobody here yet except for boxes and two other girls sleeping in the next room.  Because the other girls were due to move in next week.  And so far, so good.  I’m excited to be living with other people around me again.  Because last year, I lived alone (with my cat, Master Yoda) in a tiny apartment.  I felt God wanted me all to Himself that time—you know, to care for me, to nurture me, to correct me.  Now, He tells me it’s time to be an Ate (big sister) to others again. 

And today, May 1st, just when I thought God was done with His surprises, I get this text message from Manong Uly who is in Hawaii: Hi Alma.  Just sent your Mac via FEDEX.  Should be there by Friday.  Think of all the projects you can do.  Skype us soon on your Mac.  I wanted to scream, if not for the two girls sleeping in the other room!  But I just had to express my joy of joys, so I got my laptop and typed away, writing about how good God is, how He has been very, very good to me especially for the past few days.

And right now, all I could think of is how to offer back to God this goodness.  For all the blessings I have received for the past 2 days (3, if we count today), all I could think of is how I could serve Him more, through the talents He continues to give me.  But knowing Him, He can never be outdone in His generosity.  God just cannot be out-given! 

I just remembered, it’s been a year since I first prayed the Novena to God’s love.  That day, I opened myself to God’s love for me, to the unbounded, limitless, and overflowing blessings that can only come from Him, to His Word.  And I have this feeling that the blessings wouldn’t stop coming.


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