Is it just me? Or is it a coincidence that Pinoy Fear Factor pilots on my birthdate?

I think the next 365 days are the face-my-fears days of my life. Today being my 39th birthday, I believe the Lord is trying to tell me something. What that something is, I do not know yet. As soon as I find out, I'll share with you what it is.

But as it is right now, I'll just content myself with listening to Corrine May (thanks to my friend Allen for introducing her to me), reading a special reflection book which I believe will guide me to finding out what God has in store for me this year, and embracing my alone-ness (take note: alone, not lonely).

I must admit, sitting in front of my computer typing (or writing on my nice new journal) without any distractions makes my mind churn. And instantly, I am able to translate my thoughts into reflection pieces which I know will help me figure out what I need to figure out this year.

So expect a few more blogs from me beginning today. And expect me to move around more often. One minute I could be sun-kissed on a beach, and then up a mountain the next. But wherever my one-year journey takes me, I promise to take you along.

As for my fears, and Fear Factor, I shall fill you in as soon as I discover, re-discover and overcome them one by one.


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